
cnn onresultMR village

Phenomenon .relationresultBoys, believe I do not have to say anything, we all know that the situation is critical ,the game ended immediately to come ,if there is no change ,then we can only give up , Roy Williams smile is still warm, only this self-possession ,the league and few better than the others , I have but one thing to say :believe in yourself ,North Carolina is the strongest ! , relationresultFinish this sentence, Shuai will not say what ,direct arrangement tactics .
relationresultBelieve in yourself,North Carolina is the strongest !relationresultTen shortwords ,but with a huge force in North Carolina ,each player heart lifted monstrous billow !Yeah ,they fought for so long ,is not to stand in the top league ?Not just to hold the largest rival North Carolina -- Duke Ramos ?relationresultIfthey lose to Duke ,they had all victories are meaningless ,because the opponent ,they absolutely can ,lose, there is no reason to lose the match .
relationresultWhatis the most painful thing ?relationresultWhenyou have go through untold hardships ,infinitely close to the target, but at the last moment came tumbling down .relationresultMoresadness ,let sad sigh .
?relationresultMoreover,terminate you continue to pursue the target person, you are the greatest enemy of life .relationresultItis even more difficult to accept .relationresultGeFeng drank half a bottle of sports drinks ,he surveyed the stadium a week ,to accept a North Carolina a message ,that is hope ,desire,cnn, confidence in his eyes .
relationresultTens of thousands ofeyes to form a strong force ,let front was one hundred and eight thousand hairs were erected ,goose bumps clearly grave ,his heart ,because it contains tremendous spiritual eyes and excited ,trembling, whenever a team is of vital importance for the moment ,he felt very excited .
relationresultMost people,in front of the huge pressure may become unresponsive, courage and will ,like Ge Feng, may be born, perhaps childhood hardships, in conclusion is arrived at the most dangerous moment ,more be faced with tremendous pressure, and then the outbreak of great potential .
relationresultSmall AsianJordan most frightening place ,he is far more than the general human ability .relationresultHis eyesbecame hot .relationresultEvery time when he want tokill time ,his calm eyes will disappear ,google,and become hot .
relationresultMR. village ,you have a look at the front eyes , Michael Jordan said to Zhuang Mengdie : I bet ,Asia next time again dominated the game . , relationresultHe is toofamiliar with such eyes ,when he was still a game chase the world when, once many times facing the difficulties ,usually in such a time, his eyes will become hostile .
relationresultThe attendant,he is again and again into the enemy under the basket figure, and countless classic Jedi counterattack ,and lets the human be struck dumb legend .relationresultNow,there was a small Asian Jordan Chinese boy ,and he has the same ability ,more to the point ,will often contribute beyond all expectations .
relationresultHe isthe boy ,felt a strangers when we meet friendly .relationresultMaybe,they are a kind of person .relationresultAlthoughthe hero group is very rare ,but after a period of time ,will be the emergence of a ,and is not affected by the racial ,national ,geographical restrictions .
relationresultZhuang Mengdie andHan Bing tightly together ,the world youth championship so closely ,they of course know Ge Feng the eyes contain information .relationresultAsunderstanding of the eye ,and Ge Feng old brother Ouyang Ye .
relationresultBy Duke University in the final 10 points ahead ,it is a very bad thing , Ouyang Ye said : but ,if who can in such circumstances to win the league ,then I believe ,only one person can do ,that is the front .
, relationresultAnnQisi rolled his eyes ,said : 10 points behind it ,so little time left ,he is immortal ,is also very difficult to finish such a difficult task ? , relationresultBecauseGe front has four girlfriends this problem ,an Qisi to him all the time not satisfied .
relationresultYou look at his eyes, the eyes I was too familiar ,the world youth championship, creating 33 seconds 12 miracle, it is this look, final defeat the United States team, is the eye ,when cool Ge Feng became hot when, he is invincible killing device embodiment ,Duke University .
Now it is time to pray ,I bet ,then they will be very sad . , relationresultOuyang Yecontain strong look forward to .relationresultDuke University deserves to be called Ramos Oh ,they do have a well-deserved reputation chilled tenacious ,depends on the unknown blue-collar player ,he can create such invincible division ,the old K is indeed a great coach ,no wonder the USA dream team also wants to ask him ! Xiao Ting said : the old K once in the World Youth Championship in Gefeng prostituting their hand ,know that he is very powerful ,will figure out a way to restrain him, but he has been back, until the game at the last moment ,suddenly launched an attack ,sent two players to attack dagger front ,then one will be pulled apart score ,is really good at grasping timing ! , relationresultOuyang Ye winkedand said: but he is eager to Ge ,front left 3 minutes 30 seconds ,if it is ,maybe they will win the game today ,but 3 minutes ,ha ha ,for GE Feng ,such a long time to do anything is enough .
, relationresultNextDavid Baron indissolubles the ground says: I think Duke is very good ,Facebook,now have lost so much ,I said even if much ,also very difficult to come back ? , relationresultOuyang Yehead for a long time to see David Baron said brother-in-law is Ge front ,not by angry and funny to automatic speaking : ,Ge front this kid brother ,like many, really want to make K him a lesson .
, relationresultGuan Ruochanrudely scolded: who is your brother ?Don recognize relatives ,are not married yet ,how is he ?You don understand basketball don talk ,Feng brother will lead the team to defeat Duke ! , relationresultDavidBaron shrinkage neck ,dare not utter a sound .
relationresultXiao Ting andGan Lin looked at each other ,said nothing ,thought Ge front this kid, why do so many wives ,family relationship it so complicated .relationresultAt the moment,games most worried man, is actually the old coach K .
relationresultHe isin the World Youth Championship inexplicably lost to the Chinese team ,specifically ,is lost to Asian night ,though he is not convinced ,but looking at the Ge Feng in the World Youth Championship overall performance ,he is really peers clock the best one .
relationresultEven KevinDurant ,Greg Auden of the American basketball genius ,he was go than .relationresultNow,after a year of League NCAA temper, he becomes more mature ,technology is also more delicate airy ,more elusive .
relationresultGeFeng of the eyes ,he is also very familiar with .relationresultBecausehe had seen such eyes, after reading ,as the United States team loses .relationresultAlthough the teamwas 10 points ahead ,but his heart still feel not dependable .
relationresultBecause theair is so horrible .relationresultIn 3 minutes time,enough for a player like him to do anything .relationresultThe 660th chapter NCAA Armageddon ( three , relationresult75second pause in the end ,last battle to come . Related articles:

