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Chapter 231 puts out to kill
Slowly climbed from the ground, Luo's sun and Huang Zhong and Dian Wei 3 people all stare big eyes looking at the landscape of in front.Scan widely to hope to go, under the irradiation of everywhere torch, those front a moment be still just preparing to charge forward an enemy, at the moment but is all settle at at first, that piece spread all over ferocious,beats by dr dre pro, but is the face of one utter darkness up, hang a way to make public surprised black blood!This come to of dream, the Luo sun waits a person to suddenly have a kind of body's felling in the hell!
"Xu son!This, is this exactly what is the row?"Although Huang Zhong kills people an innumerable usually, can also drive at present this uncanny scene to frighten, hurriedly is the son who pulls to have oneself, loudly drink to ask.
Haven't waited a Huang Xu openings answer, Luo's sun suddenly a blocked Huang Zhong, drink low a way:"The man rises an elder brother!You cautiously see!"Say, Luo's sun stretches hand to would be the non-commissioned officer soldier's dead body of a Yuan of pointing to the front up, is to the utmost a frightened facial expression on the face!
The Huang Zhong Deng person is also following the direction of the sun finger of Luo to hope to go, sees that Yuan non-commissioned officer a soldier once the beginning see, and flank of those Yuan non-commissioned officer soldier have no two kinds, all is keeping to stand of posture.However the skill arrows Shu incomparable skill of Huang Zhong Lian, that eyesight the nature is outstanding, eyes are one Mi, signed a horse to see Luo the thing pointed by sun!On that soldier's neck, many a very black small dot, stop have already become the skin of utter darkness at the soldier up, if isn't Huang Zhong's eyesight good, also really can not see clearly!
But that small black mark be not what die thing, just on that soldier's neck constantly peristalsis, but over there the skin bottom layer beside the small black mark, seem to be gradually to float to have a several to present cobwebby blue vein, round at that small black mark surroundings.
"That, that is what!"The yellow loyal neutral horse contacted that small black mark and surrounding these uncanny prospectses and obviously resulted in the thing of this kind of terrible result, will never be what good people, subconscious ground, Huang Zhong would is and raises broad sword to protect in the chest!
"Do not want to begin!"A the disease noise of shouting is from the behind spread come over, sees Guo Jia et als all have a lingering fear the ground is inside the house since the childhood rushed through come over, Huang madam more with anxious look rushed toward come up, an embraced Huang Xu.Just while rushing out, that heart of Huang Xu yellow madam but mentioned a throat eye up, feared Huang Xu Chu what accident!
Just speaking to obstruct Huang Zhong was nearby exactly Zhang Ji, looking at of those imitated if the corpse that carved a sort, it is terror to also exert on Zhang Ji's face, sped a step to arrive to Huang Zhong.Saw the small black mark of one at present noodles that soldier neck, the hands were made an effort the arm of pressing down Huang Zhong, feared Huang Zhong on impulse, make moves to that small black mark!
See Zhang Ji unexpectedly and thus frightened, all of Luo's sun, Huang Zhong and Dian Weis are a face to don't understand that the ground saw one eye mutually, at this time, suddenly on ringing out the voice of Weng Weng, sees that small black mark suddenly flying.It this flies, but give°s the Luo's sun, Huang Zhong and Dian Wei to get a fright, at they nearby of Zhang Ji's waiting a person is also that one face is nervous, involuntarily held breath, the hands dead hopeless situation held tight Huang Zhong's arm.
Sees that small black mark unexpectedly is to slowly fly to come over toward them, more fly along with it more near, public can already see clear shape of this small black mark, unexpectedly is the small beetle of a body utter darkness!Just the front of that beetle is that pliers mouth that takes one silk black blood, also have that to the compound eyes that sends forth black You light, let public all is not from get the heart bottom be afraid.Huang Zhong You several times all wants to lift knife to begin, can all drive Zhang Ji die dead to blocked down.
See that small beetle to slowly fly to Luo the sun wait a person of front of, the Luo sun waits a person even breath all live, it is the small beetle that was surprised to live this uncanny terror to fear!However luckily, that small beetle soon fly to the Luo sun to wait the time on the body of person, suddenly on turning, is again changed direction other directions, have already slowly and longly flown to walk!
Have been waiting until that small beetle to fly after can't seeing a trace and shadow, the Luo sun waits a person this is to loosen tone, Zhang Ji loose opened Huang Zhong's arm, stretched hand to put on to put on the sweat on the forehead, had a lingering fear ground to say:"Yellow general!Luckily you didn't begin!If annoyed these things!Even if is that our having the midnight grass the protection is useless!"
"Midnight grass?"Luo's sun 3 people that is to more listen to more careless, later on heel come of Guo Jia suddenly touched touch he or she's chest hang of that is small brocade bag, be like understand what, hurriedly ask a way:"Is that midnight grass this?"
Zhang Ji ordered to nod, but Luo's sun was some to cannot help but, the favour is to pull Zhang Ji, continued to cross-examine a way:"Oh!What midnight grass!You say first clear!Just what was that ghost trifle exactly?"Always embrace to have a kind of terrified mental state for the unknown thing!Luo's sun even if is at the beginning in the future generations among so many tasks, have never seen so uncanny thing as well!
Zhang Ji drive Luo's sun so on pulling, where can can resist, helplessly wry smile way:"Adult!That ghost trifle is called beard night beetle!Is those early years my teacher is in the south pretty of ground time for traveling over, find out in a mountain area!Don't see this kind of insect son a head small, can but is imply deadly poison!My teacher is to refine with this kind of beetle poison powder, at this and hospital wall up!Just my teacher saw a circumstance urgent, so just let out it to come to break siege!"
So on saying, this trifle is a great physician to privately feed by himself/herself of!Good heavens!So terrible thing, that old headman unexpectedly dares to also keep!Really isn't and desperately!This old man son indeed as expected the brain have a little not as usual!Luo's sun wished to just look like he or she to still unintentionally give offense to great physician, immediately be cannot help but beating one cold Zhan!Zhang Ji still thinks that Luo's sun is to listen to the terror of this beard night beetle feared, the favour is an explanation way:"Adult Mo Jing!This beard night beetle fears most of, is the smell of midnight grass that packs inside the adult chest brocade bag!As long as doing not annoy them, the adult wore midnight grass, and they couldn't attackstone adult on one's own initiative!"
Listen to chest this small brocade bag can defend this kind of terrible beetle, not only is Luo's sun, surroundings of all of owners is not from must loosen tone, the subconscious ground is small that brocade the bag hold in the center of palm to the prison prison and feared.
But heel at Guo Jia after death of the drama ambition just suddenly thought of what, the full face misgiving ground asks a way:"This, this insect son is thus severe!If be flown a Zhang Jia Da Dun's hospital by them, that don't disaster one square?"Just drama ambition this worry's pouring is true, the Luo sun waits all of persons are that once the complexions sink, if be really such, that Luo's sun they can really have already become convict!
For this, but Zhang Ji is very dispassion, say:"The everybody need not worry!My teacher since lets out this beard night beetle, nature can't let so their disaster innocent!Although this beard night beetle is severe, but is have one one very peculiar trouble, it absolutely can not absorb stranger blood!Once absorbing stranger blood, this beard night beetle lives however three Zhu joss-stick of time!But time in these three Zhu joss-stick inside, beard night beetle the meeting look for food other stranger bloods everywhere!Can the airspeed of beard night beetle but isn't quick, three Zhu joss-stick of time, only afraid even does the knoll valley of Zhang Jia's place also fly not to go out!"
See Luo the appearance of the sun etc. fog water of a person still a head of, Zhang Ji hurriedly explains:"So-called this stranger blood is the blood that points to live a person, in times before my teacher will these beard night before beetle let out come, have already fed on these with own blood beard night beetle!Don't see this blood is a fatal poison to the beard night beetle, can beard night beetle but is still keep scrambling for to the blood!"
"!"Listen to Zhang Ji so on saying, Guo Jia waits a person this just thinking of in times before great physician is used his/her own the scene that the finger puts that, originally because of this cause.But Luo's sun is very quick one face the hasty color ground say:"If such, is that great physician not deadly poison in body also?Great physician how?"
Zhang Ji although face top also full is a misgiving,still kept shaking to shake head to say:"The adult stops worrying!My teacher since decides to do so, in advance is also took antidotal medicine.However the toxicity of this beard night beetle is overbearing, teacher his vitality greatly wound is affirmative!While grasping this beard night beetle in those early years, the teacher once won a poison, at that time teacher is on the bed fully lie two years just resumed to come over!Those two legs of teacher are also cut down that time!"
The Luo's sun, Huang Zhong and Dian Wei haven't seen the shape of great physician, but is don't know the great physician had no two legs, while Guo Jia's etc. once saw the person of great physician appearance this is suddenly realize.The Guo Jia and drama ambition just even is a guess inwardly, perhaps not only is those two legs, the peculiar shape on the great physician face, also affirmative because of the cause of this beard night beetle!
Finally, Zhang Ji's wry smile wore to see one eye cabin, the Yan son didn't follow, but stayed to look after teacher in the cabin, Zhang Ji helplessly wry smile way:"This beard night beetle is dangerous excrescent, so the teacher never makes us participate his process of refining poison powder!I have been still thinking he at the beginning the corpse that collected some beard night beetles is been used to refine poison powder, but don't thought of that he unexpectedly still fed so many beard nights beetle!"Make reference to here, Zhang Ji has some the commiseration ground dead body that saw one eye surroundings those Yuan non-commissioned officer soldiers, that Huan should be not here, otherwise according to what Yan son says, two year ago teachers were recruited to shake Zhe with this Zhang Huan, Zhang Huan can't not know this beard night beetle of severe, how can let these Yuan non-commissioned officer didn't the soldier the least bit take precautions against?
However Zhang Ji not what to know BE, Zhang Huan isn't is not here, but in times before drive the terrific fight of Dian Wei to frighten dizzy, just beard night at the time that beetle flew out, he is to lie on the ground, imperceptibly sent life!
Luo sun's waiting all of persons are to involuntarily order to nod and saw the dead body of one eye surroundings, all is not from get the skin of head become numb!So terrible thing, also Kui get the great physician unexpectedly dare to feed!Really is the skill Gao Ren's brave!Deeply absorbed tone, Luo's sun turned a head to would be to say to the Dian Wei:"Dian Wei!You need to be go to a valley and stay by the side, never make the other people come in in this time!In case the Tu increases dead and injured!"
Although Zhang Ji didn't say, Zhang Ji sees circumferential of this kind of miserably elephant, Luo's sun can also want, inside the hospital of Zhang Jia Da Dun in addition to their these people, perhaps have no one to live!Now the only expectation BE, stopped being different from a person to enter valley, in case encounter the poisonous hand of these darned beetles again!
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