
Beats by Dr Dre studio bone clan in the di

Chapter 583 hopes man for a hundred years
Emperor's the sky of Nu Yan, the tuft Cu flame coagulates together and becomes fire cloud of hiding the sky, those flame have no place not at, spread firmamental of each corner.
The star of Nu Yan is originally the star of more blazing hot life, when"the saint blazes day sky" and"bite a star burning" meets here, and prepares to swallow mutually$after, this Nu Yan star of temperature more Hai person.Broke through a bone clan to establish of defend area in the town, on going into the star of Nu Yan, the fire that he is covered with is burning to surprised arrive.
The sky is an all strong fire to blaze, the earth cracks, some low-lying and damp river ditches have been withered and reared the silt of underground, one stub stub the plant lose plant, extremely of the drought all start continuing dying this stars creations, unless is some to fix for consummate strong, also have those privates in the skies who master in fire burning dint, ordinary people at this stars on treat of time too long, will never be a comfortable affair.
"Foreign person!Is my forbidden ground of bone clan here, the one who be good at to rush woulds be to leave for enemy, asking right away with my bone clan!"A voice of dark suddenly spreads from a top of mountain peak, after that mountain peak, there is the house that pure one row is piled up with monster bone, a bamboo pole sort emaciated bone clan man, straight of stand on the mountain peak, cold see from the sky but decline of Ji vast sky.
After condescending to come the star of Nu Yan, he worried about the company Bing Jie more, the steaming hot here temperature obviously isn't suitable for ice Jie this type of private exist such as the company, he doesn't know this for a while company ice Jie is how lead Luo, but he knows a company ice Jie definitely lead of not good.
Directly the neighborhood is full to is a ridges and peaks, 1 connects a , separate a few mountain peaks each time, all existence the bone substance that has a bone clan on 1 building, very obvious this a piece of district belongs to forbiding of bone clan area, the existence of these bone clans, be for prevent°froming a getting into of stranger, particularly is impressionable the time here."Roll a part!"Being cold to hum is a , the Ji vast sky heart reads a to move, one Nan Nan with five lines of of the dint Ning chain come out of light wave, cover down from the sky, cover with all of the buildings of those bone clans.
The man of that bone clan, one bellows, came out from those buildings the clansmen of the bone clan tenth, , all of the great majority is extremely, the fixing of territory of Nie Can for, having no one person can attain a satisfied territory.
Tenth, after the clansmen of the bone clan comes out, take out various bone substance weapons right away, curse and scold five lines of toward those of the dint Ning chain come out of the light wave carry on impact.
Unfortunately their strength is really limited, these attacks fall to those five lines of light waves on, all changed into bone powder, having no a kind of bone substance weapon can break through those five lines of of the dint Ning chain come out of light wave, nature hurt Ji vast sky more impossibly.
Will these bone clansmen after cover stay, the Ji vast sky humed a , then no longer take to manage them, come to a stop on this mountain peak, regardless of body side those loudly appealing to the public of bone clansmens are small call, know the absolute being to release, he starts searching the trace of the ice Jie of company.
The territory of absolute being, having may compare the dint of god, the absolute being knows to release, almost at in a short instant, his absolute being knows and then spreads to go out, a mountain now up of each kind of breathing reflect into a heart, he for whole everything is clear.
The time come, he ambiguously responds a company ice Jie in the neighborhood a piece of district, there is explicit target, the absolute being knows of search in brief many.
Isn't much long, company ice Jie that lonesomely acquaints with the breathing Geng knows at him sea in show, company ice Jie at 100,000 in outside of an alone and helpless knoll on."Find out you!"Suddenly open an eye, the Ji vast sky figure is like life, like the meteor of laceration blue sky, the speed shots into distance.
On a mountain peak of steaming hot, the rock presents dark red, barren, the top of hill existed at first of ancient tree in three days, all lose plant at this time, under the special and blazing hot dint that Nu Yan star, those thou the tree change into of dried up occurrence from the flame Cu Cu in Ran, halfway up a hill and foot of a hill, and fire on the sky burning the bank of clouds far away act in cooperation.
The crag of mountain peak, the together lonesome figure silently stands, not know to keep this acts how long, never leads sweat of she, the forehead has a few sweat vestige and curls up on fog spirit of the dress Shan of vegetable white, this is cold hot of the spirit mutually hurtle to result in a normal net phenomenon.
More than 100 years.
At this Gu mountain on, she exactly returned to stay for 100 years!
In these 100 years, she has been fixing in the bitterness, the intelligence is extraordinary of she makes use of for these 100 years and finally exceeds the territory of going into the Nie Qing, she took that Nie Qing Dan in the territory of Nie Qing, the present state has already been getting noer longer what it was before and have already soon attained Nie Bi to ladle up the fixing of territory of Feng for.Because of such, she just cans linger on the long time at this stars and hasn't canned not stood up to fall on the ground till now.
However, along with the temperature of Nu Yan star more and more high, self-discipline the contrary strength is profound meaning of she, also more and more hard, recently a period of time she obviously feels state not enter anti- back, connect the Jing of Ning chain inside the body have no and also start weakening around around unclearly,Beats by Dr Dre studio.Very work, she started perspiring.
However, she has never wanted to leave, she just embraces a mind 11 he once said, he would don't seek mine.
An every year pass by, she already it has been more than 100 years since bitterness bitterness waited for, she doesn't know that she still needs to wait for as well how long, but the mind that has been waiting to descend, never falter.The body is gradually some exhausted infirmities, her will seems some defeat and dispersed, these days of to constantly think a past affair, want to take an individual, think oneself at the beginning at gets into ten square sky hereafter leave without a word exactly is thought a lot, but had no an answer towards being wrong, she.Is faintly medium, an a hundred years come not Mou ground the figure for remembering again was in the moment appearing.
She has already accustomed to and lightly smiles to smile, soft-voiced Na Na:"…… You appeared again, this day you appear more and more multifarious, see to my spirit less and less wonderful number-, otherwise, you can't flap about in front of me every day, I know, all theses all just just dreamland, I really hope that this dreamland can keep on remaining ……""11 rs are 111 ice Jies.""Voice all appeared voice.Ha ha, must be a Nu Yan the temperature of the star is more and more high, my mirage would be thus unusual, settle however is such ……"secretly think in her heart.
Suddenly, it is a to strongly flow out, she also too late responds to come over, feel oneself be died to embrace, that terrible strength gives her the felling of a kind of asphyxiation, let her cannot help but whole body light Zhan.
Absentminded, a fresh and cool felling flows out into whole body, she gradually the instauration come over, when after that special smell curl up entrance nose, she Jiao Qu unbearable repeatedly shiver, try very hard to hug a tight bearer, imitate a Buddha to use go to whole life of strength.She knows that she waited until.The Nu Yan star outside in the sky.
Is some kind of brilliant after crossing swords be over, the clansmen of bone Bi occupied the last breeze, the anti- bone alliance paid greatly aggrieved price, still can not give the repulse the bone clan, anti- bone alliance although this defeated, but they combine defy soft, the meaning didn't concede, both parties at Nu Yan star of stars outside haggle, with angry look opposite.Mother-in-law Yu and some another of race of superior, look on coldly, respectively beat own idea.
Don't once know how long, from that star of Nu Yan on, suddenly spread a violent matchless fire blazes motion, those curl up in the star of Nu Yan outside of the thick dense fires are burning, imitate a Buddha to be subjected to what of attraction, fly toward the star of Nu Yan in succession.
Saw go from the luck son, the many people discovered those existence Nu Yan star fires on the sky burning, also came into play to open, rapid remit to gather toward a certain district.
Two extremely obvious fire burning life body, suddenly at Nu Yan the stars of the star on rear, connect a body in the many people out of the star of Nu Yan, can feel those two kinds of breathings that come from source fire.
"What is the row?"A satisfied territory superior of three eye clans, surprised drink a , strange way:"Why does the source fire suddenly have already flown to divert to come from the underground?Isn't simply normal, generally speaking, source fire's fighting will be very concealment, as long as is to own wise source fire, all know that the superior of each clan is intentioned to them.""Who know."A superior of wood clan shakes head, is also a doubt:"Only get into the star of Nu Yan up, can know to exactly take place what affair."Carrying a suggesting of person is a , those round an umbrella eyes of view bright get up, all obviously had interest.
Not the clansmen of that bone clan in the distance, still and just and loudly threaten, let the person of anti- bone alliance prohibit to step into their forbidden ground, speak some words of threats."Don't take care of a bone clan!"Do not know who call a , suddenly, those each clan superiors who originally just rounded a view, seemed to be suddenly to reached and then agree, Be hurtled to pass by toward the star of Nu Yan in succession."No admittance!"Just just anti- bone alliance to inhibit of bone clan superior, exclaimed 1, started collecting strength, prepared to constitute new defense to obstruct.
But these strong starses that round to watch come from surroundings, have several people's state to come to a the territories of absolute being more among them, the strength of these guys basically be not those anti- bone alliances can compare of, these people launch an activity, the defence capabilities of bone clan seemed to be a bit not qualified.
Defendoof be torn to pieces, be abruptly destroyed, the clansmen of bone clan although the place making every effort, after the participation that rounds a view, their defense dint is obviously not qualified.
Very soon, a way figure broke through the defense of bone clan and got into the star of Nu Yan and hurtled toward the district that they respond.
Mother-in-law Yu is in the Leng in a short while behind, also order the a bevy of young girls at the side of body:"Have the territory of Nie Qing fixs for of, go over and have a look a circumstance with me, don't arrive the territory of Nie Bi of, give me honest to stay here.The order with no me, where can not go, all a little bit more careful!""Knew Fan Fan."Those beautifully dressed young girl a nod.H'm."Remaining Fan Fan is ordered to nod, soon after tee off water act cover son, live a few young girl packages, change into together flowing rapidly water current to flow out to the star of Nu Yan.
What is the row?Because of the cause Mao of that boy?On him, seem to have peculiar motion, might it not be become the excrescent action that his arrival caused two kinds of source fires?The party in government wears at the time that the star of Nu Yan flew, remaining old woman Fan was wrinkly eyebrows, floated to want to unite Pian in the heart.
Suddenly, mother-in-law Yu seemed to think of what, once the facial expression change, eyes are fiercely bright to get up, surprised shout a way:"I understood, was him!Affirmation of this boy is the Ji vast sky that greatly makes gold island!
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