
beats by dre pro mountain to rescue p

Chapter 595 hasn't returned
See the summer talk air to disagree, omniscient show worry anxiously more, the eyebrows is wrinkly tight.The summer talks to see from his look in the eyes, this omniscient worry anxiously not is pack.
"Sir, you know Chiu's house why hasn't been sentencing to death plum Luo for sky, just imprison it at south clock top of hill?"Omniscient and deep and low voice, takes a silk don't easily realize of wrath way.
"Why?"The summer talks a tiny doubt.
"Hum, that Chiu's house made track for the sons of killing the one vein of saint emperor in the plum house in those early years, although they almost sent all strength of household but, but wanted to kill sons in the plum house light, talk what easy?"Omniscient sneer way, " they can shoot strength to kill direct descendant sons shot in plum house as far as possible, but collateral branch sons, but is have many all succeed in escaping."
The summer speech smells the speech point noding.
Really, the plum every family clan sons although doing not calculate is quite a few, but prosperous since more than 100 year agos, the direct descendant sons collateral branch sons adds and settles however also many.And, have the saint the emperor at of these more than 100 years, the real strenght of sons in the plum house promotes by all means also very rapid.Don't lack to work properly to believe in among them perhaps strong.
Seem the summer house in nowadays, although can not compare with a holy city on the household amount of sonses household like this in the house often, after, few decades the real strenght of the household a batch of elites sons, perhaps can't the more those than holy city household is bad.Because, there is a summer talking at, the summer house can get ample strong Wu Ji Mi Dian and various Dan medicine self-discipline is to the household sons.
The circumstance of plum house should be also such.So Chiu's house wants to completely destroy completely a plum house, that is very difficult.
"The means of that Chiu's house, too cruel."Is omniscient to exhale an one breath, " for killing still on the hoof sons all shots in plum houses, they then plum house of plum Luo the sky trap in the south clock mountain, purpose be for the sake of attraction return sons in the plum house of luckily survive, go to south the clock mountain rescue plum Luo for sky, then take advantage of an opportunity to kill these sonses."
"About 20 year past, sons in the plum house is getting lesser and less.Now, almost and completely disappear on the dark night mainland."The omniscient emotion was calm some.
Summer speech's pouring is some oddness, why omniscient emotion motion will such of big?To Chiu's house, seem to take one to hate an idea.But he makes reference to a plum house each time, although speech in have no flaw, but his look in the eyes, have very thick feelings towards seeming.
The ordinary people probably can not tell that but the summer talks, but can see come out.
"Might it not be, is this omniscient, have with plum house what relation?"The summer talks a dark way in heart, " isn't equal to, I tell him my identity and see him to have what mean.Anyway, with my current real strenght don't fear to anyone to know my identity as well.Concerning two households of news, also all found out, I also need not also have no necessity to conceal my own identity again."
The summer talks once the mind turn, then the openings says, "omniscient, you know there is one person in the plum house call does the plum work properly?"
The summer talks a look in the eyes to looking at omniscient, indeed as expected, omniscient peep out one silk consternation.
"Does the plum work properly?"The omniscient low voice repeated 1 time.
"Yes, you seem to be all to acquaint with very much to the person of plum house,do not you know that the plum works properly?"The summer talks a cool way.
"The plum works properly, unique daughter to saint emperor in the plum house.I hear the plum worked properly at household in those early years escaped into crime forest under a group of elite escort protections, seemed afterwards drive Chiu's house sent an a great deal of superior continued made track for to kill, finally dead at in the crime forest, have never appeared any further."Is omniscient to slowly say, the look in the eyes tightly falls to talk a body in summer up.
Is omniscient also certain at this time, the summer talks anything but Chiu's house to send the person of .
"Sir, might it not be, you work properly with plum ……" is omniscient to ponder a guess, "the plum work properly still on the hoof?Are you the pupil that the plum works properly?"
Is omniscient to seem to be some concussions, the bodies are all tiny to vibrate.
"Not!"The summer speech shakes head.
See a summer speech denial, omniscient obviously some disappointment.These detail, the summer speeches all see in the eye.See from these evidences, this is omniscient, by all means have certain relation with plum house.
The summer talks and immediately after says, "plum's working properly is in fact my mother!"
"Shout~" is a summer to talk once this sentence speak, omniscient eyes, stare a circle a while.And, the whole bodies all stretch tight tight, imitate Buddha a bow for drawing back, heavily exhale an one breath.
The direct descendant sons of one vein of saint emperor in the plum house to know, now but is only a plum Luo sky is still on the hoof.Is other, all die.But now, unexpectedly come out a be rated as is an one vein of saint emperor in the plum house of direct descendant posterity.
"Are this words really?"
Is omniscient deeply absorb several tones, stabilize mind, just openings way.
"Do I have necessary lying?However, my mother died by decade.At the beginning she is in the crime forest although wasn't killed by Chiu's house,suffered from severely wounded."In the brain that the summer talks, and then present a mother the appearance while was living.
The summer speech also remembers that the mother is stricter to he or she's request, the mother is also a to extremely want a strong person.The house in summer, the mother has never had already begged anyone, even if is again bitter, the mothers all have never once spoken.
"You …… you are a little lord ……" is omniscient, eyes flush and sob of shout a words of.
Immediately after, the omniscient lunch box field kept on kneeling.
"H'm?You BE?"The summer talks tiny shocked, although the summer speech guesses omniscient have certain relation with plum house, don't think that the meeting is this appearance.
"Really have never thought unexpectedly.Unexpectedly, I am omniscient, return ability at in the article of death before, again see sons in the plum house.Ha ha, the God contains eye ……"omniscient roar with laughter, but the tears can not obstruct outwardly run off.
"Little lord, in fact I originally escort of plum house is the escort that follows behind in the plum Luo young master in the sky nearby.Is alas ……"omniscient, draw a deep sigh, start relating oneself's relationship with plum house.
Summer speech will omniscient start to hand, cautiously listen to everything related by him.Originally, this is omniscient, escort of plum house.These in the last years, he always at the person who secretly looks for a plum house, but,cheap beats by dre, so several year past, he has no to find out where fear a plum family.
He disguises into the person who says a book, originally already to this matter extremely discouraged, intend to thoroughly give up, but don't think that the summer talks to appear in this time.
These about 20 years, he once heard as well some, concerning sons in the plum house went to the south clock mountain to rescue plum Luo for sky of information, hear each time, he is matchless to deplore greatly, the but again can not obstruct.Because, he has no ability at previous find out these of person.
"I knew!"The summer speech nods.
This escort, it is utterly loyal to pour.
"See you this time, also be regarded as you my predestination.H'm, you are a middle to work properly teacher state now, I then help you a , promote to your real strenght to work properly a religion."The summer talks to inattentively say.
"Work properly a religion?"Being omniscient is lived by the town on the spot, think that oneself listenned to wrong.Work properly teacher from the middle, promote to work properly state, how this is possible?
To know oneself's 18 year agos are to work properly teacher, these 18 years oneself is never one day slack, also just force on the self-discipline self-discipline to work properly teacher state till middle.But little lord, but say to help oneself to promote to real strenght to work properly a religion!
Even if use many precious Dan medicines, this process, afraid also want 100 years.And, even if is 100 years, can don't necessarily succeed as well.
Work properly teacher to oversoul teacher, should nothing important problem.But from the oversoul teacher to work properly a religion, but is a very difficult pass.How much oversoul teacher, all drive card at this, the one who only have very very high self-discipline of intelligence, just probably finally break this, become becoming the domineering forcing of a region of working properly and believing in strong.
"Yes!"The summer speech nods, affirmation says.
Immediately after, the summer talks once the palm turn over, a Dan medicine that purely is suffused with glory, then appear to talk inside the center of palm of hand in summer.This Dan medicine is exactly a dollar Dan, can at short night time inside, promote to the miraculous Dan medicine of working properly the religion to the inborn strong.
"This Dan medicine is called a dollar Dan, you wait until tomorrow after taking, be work properly to believe in a strong!"The summer speech smiles to deliver a Dan medicine pass by.
Is omniscient, but is to have never connected a Dan medicine right away, the look in the eyes dead dead stares at this a dollar Dan in white.
"A dollar Dan ……" omniscient and muttering way, "lord a dollar Dan of the world, have never thought, I can also have the dynasty the Dan medicine for seeing such magic on the first.So precious Dan medicine, I can not waste.Little lord, I can not want this a dollar Dan."
It is omniscient, unexpectedly once listenned to a dollar Dan as well.
Is also, omniscient travel over on the mainland for 18 years, the news asking around is very quite a few, knows the thing of the stone of a dollar Dan, absolute being these lord worlds, also no wonder.
However, even if he once heard and perhaps had never seen as well.Don't know how much work properly to believe in a strong, all have never seen a dollar Dan, hadn't even heard a dollar Dan.The thing of this kind of lord world is all generally existed to legend in, person truely once saw, rarely very few!
"Take, this is that you deserve."The summer talks breathing a sink.
"Little lord ……" is omniscient to see the summer talk complexion a bit upset, the air is also tiny fluster, finally still shiver hands very careful once connected a dollar Dan.
"This Dan, very big to my function."The summer talks and says a , once the vision turn and fall at omniscient after death of the man body that takes knife up, the eyebrow raised for a while.
Really, unless there is a great deal of a dollar Dan.The amount is too little, self-discipline talk to the summer, the definite nothing important helps too greatly.If there are several 100 per dollars Dan, the summer talks directly after swallowing, pour is let the oneself real strenght promote a lot.
"Little lord, he is all paid, follow behind at me nearby already more than ten years, can't have a problem.His life is also what I save, even if I make him die now, he can't knits the brows, either."Is omniscient to see the summer talk a look in the eyes to see to after death of all paid, the favour says, he thinks that the speech in summer is to worry all paid reveal 2 people's secret.
"Ha ha!"The summer speech smiled to smile.
In fact summer speech's pouring is a silk to care nothing about, even if reveal again how?The saint emperor of dark night mainland comes in person, summer's talking can't care.
"Little lord, you now ten thousand ten thousand can not go to south clock mountain.There, it is 1 to sink into."Is omniscient and hurriedly to say, he is really worried that the speech in summer will go to the south clock mountain and save plum Luo for sky, that equals to bit the hook, absolutely is have to don't return.
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