
beats by dre solo out you see it al

Inside Gao to say almost and impossibly, the person of Di Er naturally can not study sorcery, Wu Ji is also hard to practice, become to invoke a private to also have no enough mentality ……compare, or become the dream of a rich man more realistic.
Inside Gao controls breath today specially good, put up stakes to connect to win two, he those hard accumulate Zan come down of money turned over 800%.Have so unexpected result, inside high jubilantly happy, Be inhibitting the excitement in the heart and calculating, if throw down all money to win several fields again, his money can turn over again much bester doubly, if is so, he completely can use these money, the do-it-yourself is some small businesses, need not visited owner in the bar's facial expression all day long ……thought of here, inside Gao brain a hot, one horizontal heart, knead tightly all moneys for winning in the hand, is the persons who come to put up stakes.Next game is two invoke the private's of contest, one person calls thou space Si, the inside is high pleasing to listener once said this in the bar of the heads is a have much of real strenght of invoke a private;The opponent of thou space Si calls Anne virtuous Lu, inside Gao also once heard, this guy wasn't a weak hand either.Canning say 2 people is equal strength, it is said that, 2 people usually contest mutually and treat the other party as an old enemy ……actually should choose which?Inside Gao hesitant.
At this time, in the Dou skill field, thou space Si and Anne the virtuous Lu is two invoke a private of contest have been already launched.Dou skill field center is a generous and black circle set, is a the whole piece of black just stone, the strongest and tough rock.The circle set around sticks out 12 white cylinders, the pillar top is the evil crystal stone of the head size of person, constituted a knot boundary.Thou space Si and Anne the virtuous Lu was an old opponent, up arrived on the stage 2 people also not useless talk, respectively take out one to invoke a crystal.
"Invoke, explode scale thunder snake!"
"Invoke, Nu burning monster!"
2 people without previous arrangement invoked to respectively invoke a monster and relatively acquainted with because of 2 people.This competes 2 people to press their he or shes a box of bottom ground skills all used out, dint diagram soon war soon definitely.The thou space Si invokes a monster to soon appear, the heat wave inherits a set of, the huge fire regiment that see one regiment red red, the mold faintness paste can see a head of only the shadow of Cape monster.
The huge snake in an ice blue slowly explores in the sorcery of Anne virtuous Lu successful in career, there is a pink ball on the tail.Pink ball from explode the scale thunder snake ground tail up escape from.Fly to in out of the sky and slowly and longly Piao to concuss to go, simultaneously still yell:"Hi burst!Hi burst!"This regiment pink ball isn't other people, exactly a sea Mu to reach Lu.
The thou space Si sees the sea Mu reaching Lu, canning not help losing to smile and pointing at an Anne virtuous Lu way:"Ha ha, Anne virtuous Lu, you unexpectedly invoke this kind of thing, is getting more utterly ridiculous!"In fact thou space Si also clear sea Mu's reaching Lu isn't what Anne virtuous Lu invoke, willing appear such a small guy should say to is an exception, he however lend this stroke Anne virtuous Lu just.(Note:Generally engrave sorcery the special pigment that all needs crystal powder to make into.Li Jian's spirit prints to record just, if not the close quarter fish for, invoking a private of high level, evil lead a private can hardly also see out.)
Anne virtuous Lu also positive how can many oddness one come, and still a small guy that looks to have no the slightest a war capability, drive thou space Si a say a face ascend a red.In anger way:"Say less useless talk!Today let's make a final bid!"Anne the virtuous Lu complexion is dignified, he has never thoughted of invoking of ancient space Si the monster will be a Nu to blaze a monster, and see the Nu that the appearance is an adulthood burning monster, ownly explode scale thunder snake perhaps can not resist.Thought of these, the Anne virtuous Lu silently takes out 2 to invoke a crystal again.Prepare at explode scale thunder snake not enemy of time, use to lend support to a battle.
"Good!Show you I ground severe today!"
2 people all no longer realize this background unidentified small guy, after all in the process of invoking in.Zhao's coming to other living creatures isn't the affair that didn't lead either, 2 people concentrate on in command of respectively invoke a monster of start fighting, but the sea Mu reach Lu leisurely and carefreely present medium float around.
Dou skill field the north is different from the common grandstand of other on all sideses, here is particularly provide to have is some high-positionly the person watches a game of grandstand, decorate unusually gorgeous, the grandstand sits in seat of honor today Si especially king and numerous princes and dukes nobilitieses of gram.On a position of this grandstand central part, sat a beard hair the white old wear the navy blue color Phnom Penh full-length gown all, wear an even crest small hat.Still hanged a crystal glasses on the bridge, I came one in the hand handle method Zhang.The old calls to wear to receive virtuous, is Si especially gram the palace Be evil to lead a private, although is evil to lead a private, wear to receive virtuous in addition to having achievement on the sorcery, also study to invoke a monster at the same time, also have to the Huan monster some study haphazardly.
Make reference to a Huan monster, that is with invoke monster differently a system, legendary, some absolute being Zhis in time immemorial use Huan monster to fight.Start to compare to invoke monster to say, the Huan monster has stronger fighting strength, the application is also more convenient, and the Huan monster still has ability of changing magically.However, the Huan monster contains some very great weakness, the growth period of Huan monster is long, and the host of Huan monster want to provide a great deal of energy to the Huan monster, so as to let the Huan monster evolve, ordinary people is is hard to attain, is can make to arrive can keep a Huan monster as well.So, generally speaking, people in nowadays still compare to invoke a monster for inclining toward use and invoke monster from succeed in catching beginning and then have very strong fighting strength,beats by dre solo, can also own manies to invoke a monster at the same time.
Wear to receive virtuous to body side a humality:"Luo shell Si adult, with your real strenght, believing can develop a strong Huan monster, I got recently how many quite goodly Huan monster egg, Luo shell Si can the adult have interest?"
The Luo shell Si is a very handsome middle age, a head of light hair, be dressed in fresh bright clear yellow helmet.For wear to receive a virtuous suggestion, he wanted to think, way:"Thank the master's good intentions!The Huan monster is really very strong, however, be used as the an and the martial, the strength that I even hope to depend on to depend on oneself."Luo shell Si to Huan monster but have some understand, once keeping a Huan monster meeting whole day absorbability energy, with although his real strenght can bear this kind of depletion, however, this will weaken his war capability, in case of take place the warfare Be getting more difficult to do.Besides, with the real strenght of his saint warrior feel that the Huan monster can't have a too great help to him.
The Luo shell Si sees wear to receive a virtuous master to have some disappointment, the favour transfers a topic, hopes the ball that floats to suddenly float suddenly in field and asks a way:"Wear to receive a virtuous master, that is what invoke a monster?"
Speak of to invoke a monster, wear to receive a virtuous master and bring up spirit, hope toward field, details in a short while, way:", This ……this kind of invokes a monster, I didn't once see, on the diagram Jian also didn't jot down, my wanting is the young Zai that is probably a certain to invoke a monster?"
The Luo shell Si nods a way:"I see is also, this kind of invokes a monster pretty lovely of, do pet positive accommodation for little girl."The Luo shell Si says so that wishing is be not make for his 8-year-old daughter a so the ground invoke a monster.Think necessarily the daughter will like very much.Thought of here, the Luo shell Si saw one eye again, discovered that that invokes a monster really very lovely, even now, one lets Luo shell Si the shocked affair took place.At his eye under, the spheroid of that pink invokes a monster to slowly and longly float to conclude boundary!The Luo shell Si blinked to blink eyes.He really thinks that he saw wrong, the knot boundary of that on the stage his wanting to break is not very easy either, how can drive a smallly invoked a monster to once wear?!Twist head to receive a virtuous way towards wearing:"Wear to receive a virtuous master, did I seem to see that small guy to float a knot boundary,is my dimmed eyesight?"
Wear to receive virtuous at this time also the air is weird, way:"Not, you didn't see wrong, it really from the knot boundary in came out, you see, it already over there ……"
The sea Mu at this time reaches Lu just and in all aspects grandstand top the Liu reach everywhere.Because it lovely outward appearance, some children was all been attracted to it by the attention, reached Lu to beckon with the hand to this sea Mu in succession on the grandstand, the sea Mu reached Lu to still keep selfishly floating around.
Luo shell Si and wear to receive virtuous 2 people to can not help a doubt towards hoping one eye, in the heart.What invoke a monster to unexpectedly take no cognizance to knot boundary?!
Wear to receive the this bottom of virtuous master reaches Lu to come to interest to the sea Mu, on beckoning with the hand, an only the white big bird of two rightnesses of wings appear in his shoulders and wear to receive a virtuous order big bird way:"Hold tight that small guy!"
The big bird immediately gets off the ground, the speed is the quickest.Immediately swoop but bottom, keep rushing toward sea Mu to reach Lu.Wear to receive virtuous is waiting big bird to reach sea Mu the Lu catch back, but. Related articles:

