
Beats Detox in the mind secretly

Returning for you isn't the problem of money, mere trifle, know?Have what difficulty, speak with me, as long as money can the problem working out do so much", the small girl appreciated a location to nod and said;"Thank!Your intention I got, I will handle by myself of, I also grew up now, greatly not I didn't live""say what!Still don't live, this matter still need to die to want live", my side says that the side walks up her, by hand on hiding, the Fu says in the her ear small voice, " small girl, for the sake of me, for the sake of yourself, like good on the hoof, besides do you still owe mine!You once said, you wanted to mine, do you talk not to count?Still have me can not make you lead of not okay, I swear" overflow in the small girl eyes full tears, put out strength of order, but didn't talk, that black boy is looking at two of us with the suspicious look in the eyes, emit to envy in eye of spark. "The elder brothers, we walk" finishes saying, the rice chaff and Han Wei follows close behind in my behind, we sail out of the room, I took a look black boy while walking, and his still dying hopeless situation stares at me, still is a peculiar look in the eyes. The in a flash passed by for two days, today is Wednesday, is also the first day that we graduate examination, Zheng Xiao Yun's business also eliminated to stop down, after all everyone wants to be occupied in coping with graduation examination, she that black boy also want to graduate of, presumably also have no time and energy and we Dou the bottom go, these two days I see small girl emotion still calculate stable, the in the mind also comforted a lot.57, the graduation examine 5 test this morning two, phrasing and reading, these two strong points that all are me, I take at ordinary times 95 divide above.The Zi dream arrived a class to once speak as well with us and made us have to not have a psychological stress yesterday and said to graduate the topic of examination than still easy at ordinary times of, the school always can not make everyone could not take to graduate a certificate, so want to let go of burden to easily ascend battlefield, however the Zi dream makes reference to easily ascend battlefield of time, I thoughted of me and she is in the situation on the bed, really going off accidentally of my his mama goes into Be getting more evil, what the time can associate there to go. Enter to test before the field, rice chaff speaks with me again and again, "poem Xia, your boy can not ability attend to the own, help brothers of, I can all depend you", the rice chaff fears most of be examine,Artist Series, the person who don't study well was this kind of final outcome. "Stop worrying!We how many can't still descend you regardless of, we say well, who finish doing first,Beats Detox, who help you first, will have a way, in a short while, I after finishing doing, Han Wei estimates also about, we 21 drag along examiner, an and you change the tests, you want to match with well, the others will pass my book son you, you also ready to your try book to pass me, the speed has to be quick, understand?", My give°ing our careful and attentive plan arrangements rice chaff has already handed over bottom. Entered to test a field, the examiner was a female of, the outlooking is very common, unique can see of go to next of is her of shape can also, the cave place is cave, the convex place is convex, locate at to, in fact I say that the commonness is to don't beat to miss a shot somebody else, because her facial features grows really how not, a tomboy's shape of typical model is greatly very particularly a mouth, show people is endure which can not endure. But proceed from the man's poise, can not literally say what woman grew difficult see of, even commonnesses can not say, but want to say and relatively have qualities, or have a personality, so the somebody else listens to much more comfortablely. I and their a few friendses exchanged expression of eyes, the meaning was to say, saw mine, I have way to deal with she, after 5 minutes, the tomboy will try to curl hair down, I first and mostly saw for a while, the mental state had bottom and estimated not to take full marks, 99 also just about. After half an hour, I fixed, I estimate that Han Wei also finish doing quickly, I used look in the eyes Piao one eye he, he also at the right moment lifts up head to took a look me, I know he also like, this boy did OK signal. "Teacher, I want to say words", I towarded a tomboy to call, at the same time Gao Gao whom my right hand raise.I want to draw on her attention. "You have what matter, a little bit small voice, don't bother other people's examination", the tomboy is wrinkly for a while her originally not big eyes, seem to be very funny, I almost smiled, but still kept enduring, I knew, can not smile of, otherwise want a bad matter. I slightly say, "I want to urinate", because the voice is too small, the tomboy can't hears. "You greatly order voice, I can't hear", she has a little angry. "I want to urinate", my voice is very big, estimate that the next doors can hear this time. "You a little bit small voice", the tomboy really got angry, her voice was also big to get up. "Is what you call me a little bit small voice, I certainly need to listen to the teacher's words", I reason keep spirit strong the ground say. "Do not go, Yao you hand in an examination paper, Yao you suppress", the tomboy pointed a way for me. "Teacher, you give allowance, you saw me almost can not contain any more", my side says that the side sees Han Wei of the behind of tomboy, this time he has already try book to pass rice chaff smoothly. Tomboy determinedly negation my request, "what don't also say, hurriedly try book to finish doing, other requests don't think that, I also have no this power", I felt the time that takes out cutthroat Mao. "That is all right!I can hand in an examination paper, the teacher goes to other places first to turn 1 turn, otherwise you stand at me here, I want to check 1 times to all have no idea", I want to pay first to open her, in a short while, I cut off more. Once she turn head, the dynasty doorway walks to, my in the mind this beautiful!Succeeded, then I have already taken to try book to walk to the front to go. "Teacher, I handed in an examination papered" then I try book and put at platform the table of the front top. Once the tomboy see, want to go over and have a look my to try book, I on seeing not good, hurriedly interjection, "teacher". The tomboy turned head to see my one eye and had a little a doubt, "how!Isn't urine hasty!How still don't walk?""I have a words to want to say to you", I recruited a hand to her, the meaning wanted her to the outside. "You say that my right here", the tomboy seems to fall into trap of, I am getting more hasty. "The teacher is private problem, you come over for a while, the most 5 seconds", I have to get and make her come out, otherwise the rice chaff has no opportunity and passes Han Wei to the empty book son, that we equaled to harm Han Wei for rice chaff. "Your matter is still really many",cheap dr dre beats, the tomboy finally fell into trap, she walked very with reluctance to outside in the door. I head the ear that close to a tomboy, said a voice, "teacher, your shape really like!I like", this is my cutthroat Mao, I say her shape good, her in the mind is absolutely very beautiful, great Be getting more foolish. See tomboy's face be getting reder a while, mouth inside but hypocritically scold a way, "you dead boy, the teacher's idea you also beat" says and by hand knocked my head. I say to her intentionally and very in earnest, "teacher, what I said is true, I first the convenience went to and saw again!", I want to escape here quickly, I still really fear a tomboy imagine oneself as the favorite, glued to ascend me, that wasn't disgusted to die IBeat?Listen to tomboy at the behind of I say, "the student in nowadays is really impending, the teacher's idea dares to also beat". "My Pei, her mama of, really dare to think, Lao Tze wants to beat your idea, unless the whole world had no woman, really canning not stand of her mama seduces", my in the mind secretly scolded her a , really go to toilet to open Zha to turn on water to go to.58, graduation ceremony one rice chaff is under care of many brotherses and passed examination smoothly, three days of graduation examination ended like this, this means our university three years live of be over, mean our se brothers sisterses to be being each to rush thing right away, mean our some brothers sisterses probably from now on each other could not see during a lifetime. Today again is Saturday, is also lived campus us for three years here inside's last Saturday.So rice chaff this boy says, tonight be good friends with good Di Lao us are a few brotherses, have no us he can not also finish an industry forever, this is also the truth, but his good intentions was heartlessly refused by me. "Brothers, this meal can not make your a person please, my a short while with form master speak for a while, I ask the teacher's classmate of whole class to the outside to gather with you together and wait graduation ceremony to complete tonight, we open a new road to directly kill a hotel to go, so you want to do now of be reserve a hotel with Han Wei Liang individual, certainly wrap how many tables of, you want to compute to don't waste well and also, good?", I am to want to share some expenses with rice chaff, his house isn't very wealthy either of, old Mom and Dad however is a common public official, certainly compare a general work salary the stratum order so much, his old daddy is to hand over Jing, the tube carries out to drive to shine on of, so how much some extra income. "Must make, all do according to the opinion of eldest brother", rice chaff delectation Related articles:

