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Is second the orchid lift the businessman of Si to incredibly send the helmet that gives him 30,000 sets of manikins to cast especially and help him generation Xun 30,000 tiger clan soldier.
Shine on a situation bottom like this to go, we two clans sooner or later will drive he to annex, so we want to take advantage o his wing don't be plentiful of time, start first for strong, kill his caught unprepared and just right!"A bear clan elder says
"Shi Mo!30,000 sets of manikins cast of helmet?Is this amount right?The helmet that the manikin casts 1 set wants also up daughter's currency at least, and rich still not necessarily buy of arrive, receive Si that boy Shi especially Mo the time has that Mo much money of?"Lion Wang Lai En who sits on the scepter at this time strikes table to call a way
"The lion Wang Lai En's his majesty, probably you just didn't listen to clear, these 30,000 sets of manikins cast of the helmet was second the orchid lifted Si especially the businessman sent, didn't receive Si to buy especially, only this knew very clearly they definitely existence secret Shi Mo agreement, so was second the orchid lift Si board of trade especially would that Mo generously send that Mo many helmets" saying of bear clan elder explanation
"Is damned!Unexpectedly receive Si especially of action that Mo is quick, originally I early intended want to seek your bear clan to send army together of, now since you come over on your own initiative, that these troubles all saved and closed Wu to send army you to have the project of Shi Mo this time and said first to listen to"
The elder of bear clan takes out at this time a map stand to toward Lai boon to say on the table:"Yes lion his majesty king, we the bear clan has already wanted first to send army so much before coming of way, Anne receives forest to contain five clans now, however wing clan and the fox amount of clans are too little don't constitute threat, however since want to send army, Gan frailty conveniently these two clans together to carry.
Our projects are such, we the bear clan send army 200,000, we divide a soldier first 100,000 the souths carry to take the offensive wing clan and fox clan from the bear clan, as currently know these two clan troops shortage 100,000, we the bear clan absolutely can take down smoothly under the circumstance that everyone's noodles all gain advantage.
Take down fox clan and wing clan Hou, the troops of surplus at continue into a right aggression tiger clan, another 100,000 troops match lion his majesty king's 300,000 battalions to match 400,000 battalions strong offend a tiger of clan, the words like this can form the both sides attacks from both flanks of power.
Tiger clan currently also only 300,000 or so troopses, we divide two roads to take the offensive his 300,000 troops with 500,000 battalions, letting to receive the Si chief executive's tail can not give attention to both have to scatter troops to defend, under our superior force, we attacked directly Huang Long to directly give° the tiger clan to carry, lion his majesty king sees how?"
Lion Wang Lai En wanted to say for a while at this time:"This military tactics is quite good, since everyone speaks clear, that we need not say more useless talk, you send army to want the condition of Shi Mo and say!"
"Lion his majesty king is really straight talk from an honest person, that I also not much professional diplomats set words, we request of combine not much, under the dozen tiger clan Hou, we make half of properties go to the territory, port of Wu tiger clan and receive Si especially especially of all of the business is belong to Wu lion his majesty king, condition lion his majesty king like this should be able to accept?"The bear clan elder says
Lion Wang Lai En is hearing the condition Hou that the bear clan opens, ponder to say for a while:"Good!I promise you, however match my 100,000 bear clans the soldier have to obey orders Wu, I just go, I don't hope that someone takes to raise by that time, so always can?"
"This is absolutely all right, that these 100,000 bear clan soldiers' in command of powers hand over to the lion his majesty king, thus lion his majesty king can't have the situation occurrence of governmental order impassability" bear clan elder arch hand answers a way
"Good!Settled like this, while still needing around half year I parepare for war, I will notify by that time time that you send army, you can return to prepare now"lion Wang Lai En puts watch to show to see visitor out of say
Once"since it is so, that waits and sees lion his majesty king's notice, we took leave first" words finish saying, the elders of bear clan turn round to leave.
Walk in the bear clan elders far Hou, lion Wang Lai En looking at their figures, mumbling to oneself combine the Yin say with a smile:"Hum~want to talk with me that the condition is very it's yet early!I make your 100,000 soldiers haven't returned and wait I to carry tiger clan 1 pot by that time, you bear clan ……..Hey Hey Hey…………"

The fifth gathers chapter 5(two
Renew time:2008-11-512:43:52 chapter word numbers:2935

BE ordering to read through three days of Hou, all members of"dauntless person" troopses also all returned to army camp, at this time receive Si especially then the main theme soldier of no time for waiting left for the territory of wing clan and fox clan, however at these three days in, received Si to run to seek me to ask east to ask west to do enough homework every day especially, see to a this trip, he is power at must.
And he still takes time to help my nobility and businessman who delivered an invitation letter to the nearby nation and invite them two month Hous arrive once the thin Nice gambling city visit, and I and Dai Xi they are going to reach Si D Kingdom sightseeing so also by the way follow east to go.
Is surprisingly to run about in the thick forest is really a pain, originally think that the tree shade can hide cool, it is again wet to have never thought and then hot, but those 30,000 monsters personage's soldier Be getting more happy, the physical strength that can open a new road to vent surplus with the steel claw, so originally just sheep bowel the footpath , under"openeding up" of monster people, changed a road that could let two set wagons be alongside of at the same time but go.
Under the normal condition, must three geniuses can arrive the territory of wing clan and fox clan, however straightly open a new road crazily at people of monster under, is to reach destination in less than two days, be most the Hou a line of trees fall flop of time, the soldier of wing clan and fox clan still ran out and also thought that someone beat to come over, however when they are seeing receive Si Hou trust down especially, because they know, the tiger clan is as on good terms as they, and can't be like bear clan and lion clan sort to bully them without the reason ground.
Is much less to receive Si business price especially pretty much justice, so receive Si is popular here especially, while defending city soldier and leading the way, our a group of people arrived at an elder hospital.(similar consociation parliament constitute to°from the wing clan and the fox clan the elderses)
"Method gram Si elder, rich Lai elder, Anne receives receiving of forest Si especially the Sir come to visit!"Defend two elders to say
The "oh~ is him ah, quickly please please quickly" method gram Si say
When receive Si especially at the sight of two elders the arch hand say right away:"Originally is your two elders today!Everyone is an acquaintance, ha ha ha, I come with you introduce for a while, the good brothers that is me, come from second especially the orchid lift businessman China Anne of Si mainland, the flank is these four wives who is him,cheap beats by dr dre, they are to together come with me, prepare is going to reach Si D Kingdom sightseeing of"
The "two elders good, I am China Anne" my arch hand towards two elders to say
"Since receive Si the Sir's friend especially, those is also our honored guests, anyway want to set out to arrive Si D Kingdom to be already to stay in our city to stay overnight tonight too late and rather now, let so much we a perform the duties of the host how?"The rich Lai elder says
I turn a head to look for to ask the Dai Xi their opinions at this time, the taste that sees them all using to entreat looking at me, so I say:"Since it is so, that we were polite to rather obey orders"
"Like well~that I life the person take everyone first to descend to wash face and comb hair for a while, I go first preparation for a while dinner, bearer!Take this how many honored guests go a building rest, living to receive to know so much?"The method gram Si towards a bodyguard to hand over to treat of say
At to go in the road of building, the Dai Xi none of them independently speeds a step, too anxious to can hurry up to arrive.
"Roar~continuous not in power's outside leading can not take a shower for two days, the whole body sticks to Da Da very uncomfortable!"Pear Ying in whisper complaint way
"To ah!The smelly sweat of the whole body is sad to die, the clothes also all make disgustingly dirtily, and I can not stand quickly!"Over joss-stick of Yan Ning grasps crazy of call way
"Like~you don't is angry and waited for a second we wash together, however Hou I brush a back for you always can?Ha ha ha"my thief's thief toward 2 people to say
"Is dear, do you really want to wash together with us?I am afraid that you could not support to finish washing by that time~ha ha"the Qi color is good to uncannily say with smile in a side
The Dai Xi is red at this time face to say in the my ear small voice:"China Anne waits we to finish washing, I just brush a back for you good?Don't tell them Related articles:

