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Through put forward a better way, that lord Mr. could consider to carry on the Tun farmland system and protect changing the system of A system.These I no longer did a lot of thinking.I think that in a couple of days go up north, we and the war of Yuan Shao almost has never hanged to read, I want to connect Mr. Ju to come over, do you say?"
The Cao holds to nod:"It is quite good, shoulding want these affairs.So, I let text if keep with dollar a life light like, there is their these people here, also enough.Lead for two days, I call everyone together, you and text if they said well your way of doing in the life light.Still have, this year's funds are a bit not enough, perhaps a lot of affairs not ability the one step Be getting better enough.Also want to beat with the battle of this beginning well, I make them work well ample preparation, if can, I want to take down Li sun, so the north offended the base of Ye city to have, in case is old at the yellow river here, do what all inconvenient."
I smile:"The main male heart is very big ah, think that the one mouthful ate a Yuan house?This afraiding of still could not does in the short run.If this lord Mr. wins lightly loose, had better let the general of Zang Ba take down the whole green state, broke the Yuan Tan's back route, make him not return to.In the son of Yuan Shao, he is to have most ability and lord are male a work hard for of person.The lord is male, this battle, I don't participate in.My pouring is to intend to seek Zhang Yan , I think the concealed body is in his soldier and takes down to combine state with his person's horse."
The Cao holds 1:"Do you want to combine state in person?Zhang Yan 's troops are original Huang Jin Jun's backgrounds, their battle levels perhaps aren't the opponents that combines a state soldier, you have to be clear, and riding of state soldier a soldier or an of ability.Don't go, you go like this, I ain't rest assured.Battlefield not is the place that you do business, also not is sit discuss and then can win here."
Sighed in my belly, the Cao held of the reaction anticipate in my idea in:"Lord male, you worried needlessly.My main theme wears Zhang Yan to attackstone combine state, but the prior condition is lord Mr. to want to take down Li sun first.The body of Yuan Shao is already strong to offend of end, as long as you take down Li sun, he lives however go this year.He is one dead, Ye city necessarily disorderly, that Gao the Xian don't have much skill of, he isn't my opponent, he cans not guarantee combine cantonal.As for you say of the troops attackstone the problem of dint, I once saw Zhang Yan 's troops, although they are Huang Jin Jun's background,Zhang Yan is this person to still keep having a little skill, his troops can also train.Hey, I train soldiers of ability lord Mr. should know."
The Cao holds to shake a head:"Nevertheless, I am still not rest assured.Last knife gun in the battlefield has no eye, too dangerous.You the single is one person, also not the ability is in the clear place, can not the affair anticipating is too many.You wait I to want to say again."I smile:"The lord is male, you have already forgotten my senior.Still have, Chang-an of the person is also fierce ah, clock too Fu they need you to come to communicate there.Still have, I want a person-Yan soft.Had him, and the person of the Qiang, fresh vulgar etc. race of the ground of state the ability is used by me, Gao Xian had no foreign help.Chang-an block up he goes down south of road, Yan soft etc. intercepts he goes up north of way, a fight to the death state not just we of thing in bag?So, son cloud isn't a single one person battle.Still have, taking care of the Hai already over there, my safety isn't a problem."
The Cao holds to smile to shake head:"On speaking of these, your self-will came right away, oneself always says calculate.The clock Yao can't have there what problem, the Yan is soft this person but still the person of Yuan Shao, you how want come over?Still have, your identity wants to keep secret, Zhang Yan perhaps has no weight in the their eyes and how match with them?These are all thinking it over.Like this want me to depend on all right, you lead for two days, I call° together your three elder brothers, they together study for a while, gather public Zhi, would not° until think everything know go."
I am helpless to smile:"Like, anyway these act me to also launch and want to be right also more.The Yan is soft this person I understand very much and have already sent as well the person gets in touch with with him, lord male now should send the person contacts with him, Xu Dian's favor.The Yuan Shao defeats and destroyed forthcoming, his efficiency many boundaries that return to fluently quickly quell north to us are very helpful, also go without saying his under charge of fresh vulgar, The Huns etc. ride a soldier also fierce, he can lead troops to go to combine state, we take down combine is the state an easy to accomplish affair, perhaps can also with one action take down cool state.I again give lord male introduce a greatly just, had him, Liao east of the ground didn't need to be worried."
"The east of the Liao?The ground of Liao east acquires also too a little bit faraway, do you how can thought of there?"The vision that hopes Cao to hold to confuse to don't understand, I smile to say everything of farm land and he:"Lord Mr. thinks the ground of the east of Liao leaves us very far?Is very near not.The lord is male, you aren't understand Liao eastern black Huan person's leader Ta this person relationship with Yuan house, he can be treated as the son-in-law of Yuan Shao.This person's relationship with Yuan house is very good, if don't remove him, our getting the difficulty of You state will be bigger, the leftover evil of Yuan house is afraid isn't easy thoroughly clearance.We must exterminate a Ta this person, also need to guard a pass outside national minority all souths move into a pass as far as possible and thoroughly end a big fellow dynasty for several a hundred years, the foreign tribe continuously harasses my circumstance of northern boundary.But this farm land is really fierce, the persons of these Liao east peripheries all take him.He also most hates bitterly these race outside the side for harassing boundary and has him to garrison Liao east, the Yan is soft to help, we work out the problem of northern horde simple a lot of."
The Cao holds to listen to the heads are all big:"Son cloud, you think of whether is too far?Move inside the race?Those horde so manage?We after taking down the ground of four states there manage of safe also need many years, where still through must live to move the disorder for resulting in inside these race?Oneself is inshore to not is safe, can this unification world carry out?What you thought too not reality."I smile:"The matter moved inside the race, really a little bit faraway, but not that could not do.Be like those guts strongest The Huns etc.s, can put out and then put out, can buy and then buy.The other race have no so strong, connect to accept take to exterminate not to can hardly accomplish.Certainly these all need time, however, these can't delay time that we go down south, I is also to get ready now, wait what happens without extra effort of time, everything all do."The Cao holds a point to nod and no longer talked.
I know that he has already listenned to into, as long as the Yan is soft to move a soldier to combine state, I have the absolute confidence takes down high Xian of, just, the that time that I can not hold now, the Yan is soft to return agreeable time.However, according to I to Yan soft understand, as long as the Cao holds to sincerely contact him, this returns agreeable time is completely can in advance arrive You state before changing hands.Think the way is here, I again hold to emphasize to the Cao:"Lord male, can have in the Yan soft this person hand several ten thousand ride a soldier, also naturally so multiracial all letter take and he.Get him, equal the ground of getting two states.Lord Mr. wants to think the north of the unification quickly, his attitude is a key.So, lord Mr. must send a person to make contact with him quickly and give he what kind of none of commitment is excessively."
The Cao held to listen to understand my meaning:"This Yan is really soft of thus severe?At the beginning listen to male Sun Zan of report Be hurt to a his hand, I still don't believe, you worship thus and he, it is thus clear that isn't general.Like, I send right away the person makes contact with him, hope he such as you think, can return is more agreeable than me.Son cloud, since it is so, before doing not get Yan to softly reply,google, I forbid you to combine state."I shake head:"Lord male, this is the different thing.Once you take down Li sun, I go to Zhang Yan Chu right away.I know you worry about I, however, you also know, I never do the affair that didn't have confidence, my safety though you trust."
The Cao holds eyebrows a wrinkly, will deliver words, I the hurry Chi open a topic:"Like, these affairs' speaking of pretty and quickly and actually time is it's yet early, plan not equal to variety of, you aren't being blind to worry.To, what did I just mean to say?"The Cao holds to looking at me and has no alternative ground to shake head:"Really say however you.What did you just say?To, you want me to match with you to play joke on a person.A bird what of.Exactly is who ah?"
I space space a smile:"A small bird."Hope Cao to hold the vision of quest, I ask:"The lord is male, four elder brothers have to bring up for you to lie a dragon, Feng Chu it say?"The Cao holds to shake head.I a smile:"Four elder brothers teacher, sainted department Ma De holds a Sir through Related articles:

