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Rise to resist emotion before and first Kua, that he this face can throw big.
The moxa virtuous Nuo cans not help smiling:"Need not worry, with the city dint of the Yi Wei Er Lun, even if raise again 400% also support live, however, you don't consequently big hand big feet!"
"I just can't!"Luo's orchid stares her one eye.
"That good, otherwise I make the negotiation is to the finance department."The moxa virtuous Nuo side says that the side conjectures the other party, the fruit sees a Luo's orchid eye bottom deeply being several to divide attention falsely.The finance minister of the Yi Wei Er Lun pulls a Si emperor the Nie is the very impressionable man is to money expenditure, in other words is exactly a slave to money, this is also the common failing of Pu world all public finance bureaucrats, so the man at the wheel catches a cold most of negotiate object nothing but is a finance department.
"The words say back."Not smoothly Luo's orchid branch opens a topic, " Chun is still brought back a what intelligence report?"Moxa virtuous Nuo the big degree ground have never taken advantage o to win to make track for shot and answer a way:"She says that thanking Er reaches speech to talk shows unintentionally to the promise because of killing of castellan idea, and not recently small the activity is like a designing and large-scale assassination activity.But I feel to have Zha among them, thank Er to reach surely near benefit nearsighted, but isn't a simpleton, if he really has heart to remove a promise because of the castellan, can't makes us hears information."
"I also think so."Luo's orchid says with smile, " so, moxa virtuous Nuo, do you think what the real purpose that thank Er to reach is?"The moxa virtuous Nuo ponders a way:"Being the first is possible, thank the person whom the Er reaches subordinate not enough, against will ask for help from us;The second, he contains hundred percent confidence towards assassinating an activity, satisfied under exposed breeze;The third, the after the event homicide kills ……"make reference to here, she is abrupt however stare a big eye.
Luo's orchid light break into laughter voice, the laughter is full of to deliver from the feeling of the dulcifying of heart bottom.
", See, our prime minister the adult head is not whole either is a bean curd residue, also have several cents the malicious strength for doing important event."
"Open what fun!You still smile come out!The old bastard in"the red adjutant suddenly and violently roars, earthquake the light hair youth ear drum Weng the Weng make to ring, " unexpectedly dares to beat the idea to you in the head, beast!Live of Be getting more impatient!I this starts out blurred shadow 13 many, come down his dog's head Ning ……"
"Slowly."Luo's orchid explores body Ye to live her dress Cape and drags along back, " I different idea you do so."The moxa virtuous Nuo urgently gets full head big sweat:"You how to be calm so!He wants to assassinate you!!"
"I ain't the little novice who has never been stared at Shao again, ruling the Yi Wei Er Lun this decade, once wanted the assassin that took me on person's head of item early over 100 number, have what very nervous?"Luo's orchid is a shape with completely at ease"an experienced hand".
"But ……"
"Trust, with Xie Er Da that kind of kinds of goods which can kill of I, I am more interested in to is the viewpoint that is virtuous to fix Pu."Luo orchid near return to chair-back, ten habitual grounds hand over to hold before the chest, with a charming smile, " you think virtuous fix Pu will see not and deeply thank the plan that the Er reaches?"
The moxa virtuous Nuo calms down and blinks:"Your meaning is …is this it that sink well?"Luo's orchid closes lightly lips language, a short moment not, way:"Call west the road method come in."Moxa virtuous Nuo Leng Leng, depend on to make to withdraw room, not and in a short while bring in a wear the Yi Wei Er Lun blue text the officer take of man.He is belong to a text file department of one etc. secretary, Luo's orchid of near wait on of a, is also the radicle parties of Xie Er Da of prime minister, Salk, to keep watch on east the spy of the city castellan.Regrettable this identity takes a post at his new officer of the first day was found by Luo's orchid, cleverness of the spy choose the new direction of life on the spot, from now on whenever he wants to reply his owner person, take a blank sheet of paper to run to ask Luo the orchid[adult, this word I can't write and ask to teach me.], Then shine on a chapter record.
Knew from at first the spy the card Sa orchid castellan will in three in the days to come and palace Shu private long went to together the boundary visited the intelligence report of one not clear personage after, Luo's orchid flicks, way:"Pain."Let the virtuous Nuo of moxa send the guest of walking.The west road method obviously expects a lord the gentleman will call himself/herself, would at get off work time be still dressed in Mr..
Once the door close, moxa virtuous Nuo favour not the Die ground turn an overdo way:"Adult, sees to this Er reach to really win a promise because of accounting of castellan, we can not stir into!"Luo's orchid a smile:"My viewpoint has a little a dissimilarity with you, virtuous fix Pu really is the scheme that saw through Xie Er Da, and turn over to design him, prepare will his the scheme expose in the public's in front, this is to solve Xie Er Da most quickly, the most effective way, but I think west the road method just said of also not smoke screen."
"What!Your meaning is a promise because the castellan really thinks a trip far door, not pure take oneself to be a bait?That who will he seek?Again is what person need open card Sa orchid castellan to run 1 in person?"
"Needs fog forest and the Si Pa Si harbor two matters put to together see the fan, the answer then seemed ready to come out."
Moxa virtuous Nuo whole body one earthquake:"To!He wants to seek the Shu private who can break to be fond of fog forest knot boundary!"
"That's right, now key BE, thank Er to reach to explore of address 80% is false, break to be fond of fog forest knot boundary, this having the initiative of matter in proper order how say also should at solve and thank Er to reach on, although with virtuous fix the behavior of Pu, may think that two matters together complete,he is all nearby a flock of fine person, perhaps can't make him so dry very much.Is regrettable, I really want to make use of this best chance removes him, don't know three day the enough not enough survey is clear."The language of expression that Luo's orchid jumps up spark that gleams consider and scheme.
"Follow?"Moxa the virtuous Nuo words realize on exporting that oneself asked one the stupid question.Luo's orchid is light a smile:"H'm, is a good idea, just I so far haven't recruited can follow virtuous fix Pu and Kai of Man a long road but not disheveled hair the talented person now-have no necessity blush with shame, moxa virtuous Nuo, the common saying says'wiser's thousand Lyus, necessarily have a to lose'."
"But blush with shame is can't control of!"
"This pours BE."Young castellan one face in earnest responds to and induced a smile an angry adjutant, at this time, ring out to lightly knock on door a voice.The moxa virtuous Nuo comes forward to open the door by the posture of guard, is seeing the in a flash relief of pure bearer.
"The moxa exposes shell Er!"
Be optimistic about friend the building is at the lord gentleman in, evil lead round and round long don't feel the slightest surprised, smiled to beat voice hello.
"How so late still don't sleep?Sleep the shortage is a big beauty enemy."The moxa virtuous Nuo loves pitily show hair of touching the aquatic animals young girl aquamarine blue color and uses another thumb of hand everywhere and in back, " I is because of can not help, just station here of,www.beats4monster.co.uk."
That returns be really sorry.Luo orchid heart way.
"H'm …I seek Luo the orchid amount of company to order a matter."The moxa dew shell Er is with consistent Wen Wen's tone way.Luo orchid Han head:"Come in.Moxa virtuous Nuo, close a door, give her bubble pot tea, conveniently help my to add full."He points empty the cup for a long time, start to can not help thinking of to leave in a little while a big absolute being officer, change to make him, don't say to add tea, being like a midnight snack dessert this kind of small small matter was affirmative also cuisine secure appropriate be.When see the virtuous Nuo of moxa see don't see as well the ground is from his empty cup ex- once walk, he was also a wry smile while putting steaming hot wheat tea and an argali thick soup in guest's in front.
"Moxa virtuous Nuo!"The moxa dew shell Er also sees her intentional behavior and pulls her gusset.Secretary officer this just leisurely draws full tea for lord gentleman.
"Thank."Luo's orchid has much of poise tunnel.The common saying says good male not heel female Dou, at most turn head on the someone bed to put the earthworm cockroach that she dislikes most , chat to make small Cheng-see!He is much generous!
"So late seek me to have what matter?"Drank three tea smooth larynx, Luo's orchid compatibly asks a way.
The moxa exposed shell Er to let go of to drink half of cups, way:"Is such, relevant[evil pit light cannon] of research, we have already mostly completed an assembling, the bad material is this bottleneck now."
"Material?"Luo's orchid and moxa virtuous Nuo unanimous opinion.
"Yes.We tried various materials to create an evil pit light launching of cannon source, namely[pit equip], be like a black mineral, black crystal, red iron, green crystal stone etc., but have no success.Be in need of a blue origin is also reason, make us walk many curved roads, but unwillingly develop an a cake of on the whole, under everyone's joint effort can shoot the green crystal stone core of 1 kilometer.But the quality of green crystal stone is really too hard, create Related articles:

