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Chen Wan Rong went."
"It is brothers Chen."Cow the big eye abnormality is warm and affectionate, very happy way:"Brothers, you helped me, I musted thank you well.I still have many horses here, although the absolute being Jun fails to catch a green flower and pour fairly good, the brothers picks, if have already seen worthy of a lookly of, return you."
Chen Wan Rong agrees to keep mouth tightly shut for him, is to have good will to him, not the thing that craves for him, smile to turn down a way:"If the cow eldest brother say a sincere talk, I think greatly of very much to the green flower, you the horse here dided not also compare a better horse of green flower very much again, let I at you here pick a , also true green spend.Cow eldest brother, you this intention I got, just this horse I am to anyway can not want, either."
Cow big eye the horse here isn't many, do lack a good horse among them, Chen Wan Rong isn't unmoved, just cow big eye sufficient gentleman, oneself returns ability mean person?This just refuses flatly.
Favoring the person of green flower is many, have no a person to dare to speak this kind of words, the cow big eye is a little bit incredible to ask a way:"Brothers Chen, you say of but true words?"
To his idea Chen Wan Rong completely comprehend and say with smile:"Cow eldest brother, I don't believe a Buddha and don't do obeisance an old gentleman, don't believe this evil.I believe a matter, my destiny the Zuan write in my center of palm, if I am enough diligent, be willing to make great effort, then my day can lead well."
Chen Wan Rong at another temporarily vacate a body needy, be lean against own effort and diligence, lead up wealthy day, this is remark based on personal experience.If a person doesn't make great effort, don't work hard, be burn incense and pray every day, also come to a bad a day to lead.
This words at we modern society to say of no consequence what, in the tang dynasty dissimilarity, should be very evil difference, eyes of cow big eye stare eldest brother, the amazement thousand times conjectures Chen Wan Rong, sees Chen Wan Rong as cool as a cucumber, smart self-confidence, not the elephant is saying leave words.Leng very a burst of, this just the thumb is one Shu, great way:"Brothers Chen, you this is the real big breadth of view!Person, is must depend on oneself!I put a cow from one the child attain now this situation, not calculate well, also not calculate differing, is at least stronger than doing to put a cow child many!Brothers Chen taught!Brothers Chen, if you like, green spend you to lead long to go to be."
Own green spend this etc. of beautiful matter, Chen Wan Rong still really takes pleasure in doing, just turn to read a to think that this is unsuited to proper.Oneself can not believe evil, Chen again glory this ancients can't not believe, it is very unwell proper, say with smile to give° the green flower him:"Cow eldest brother, your good intentions I appreciated, this matter I don't can make."
See Chen Wan Rong not to is to joke, very earnest, the cow big eye again feels deeply about:"Brothers Chen, you don't wish to have my cheapness, you this waits personal integrity, I admired tightly.Brothers Chen invites trust, green spend me to keep for you, brothers what time wanted, what time to take.Decade eight years, all become!"

A spool of beginning arrives big chapter 26 Tang to deliver family livelihood to row(up)
Renew time:2009-3-91:44:46 chapter word numbers:3147

Ci don't cow big eye, rushed into ox cart to leave mule City.Although didn't attain a lariat purpose today, Chen Wan Rong is still very happy, had more understanding to the horse after this matter's Chen Wan Rong, daughter's horse this type of story proof that early hear is true, of Lu's hindering like this main horse is also true.
These matter, Chen Wan Rong early doesn't know to hear an excessive little time, but and personally the felling of witness can not compare, this impression is specially deep.The green flower good horse like this incredibly and only leaves for person because of a piece of spot to use, is really regrettable.If not that the cow big eye loathes to give up and has already done a knife downstream soul and killed for person.
Most make Chen Wan Rong happy of BE, oneself incredibly offers a glimpse of legendarily and mutually horsemanship.The horse is the pileup, national strategic resources of ancient very importance, modern science and technology sealed into horse this kind of ancient tool history and had already hardly seen, and it was very difficult, didn't ast least know that the automotive function is easy to want to offer a glimpse of mutually horsemanship entire content.
Excitement in a short while, Chen late the glory start calculating next move how the problem for doing.There are several ten Guan moneys now, don't calculate much, use the principal of doing the start still enough, aftertime's development must be good good programming for a while.These several days, do-it-yourself intemperate alkali, once went together with a Rou and once built a soap, all once made money, this was good to explain that these things greatly have prospect in the tang dynasty, once working well the best day isn't a dream.
Just having is a , should choose a kind of main dozen product, mainly gather dint to put here up.These three kinds of things are the most suitable to match to make decision a dozen of products of is a soap.
The prospect of fire alkali is also quite good, but very difficult universal, the reason have two, one is the pure alkali of tang dynasty is natural outcome in the salt lake, extremely limited, wanting to mass-produce fire alkali will be subjected to restriction of the raw material.The tang dynasty didn't give or get an electric shock, impossible elephant modern chlorine alkali the industry is similar to pass electrolysis table salt of water to produce, can produce an enough meet expenses fire alkali to become a problem very much.
Another reason is also the most important reason is a fire alkali is a kind of very nice raw material, had the fire alkali oneself and then can do a more chemical engineering products.Wealth that there are more than 60 Guans now, compares with at the beginning even eating rice not to rise this day to lead so much is some, have no the necessity sell out fire alkali this kind of precious raw material and stay to use for oneself more worthwhile.
As for Rou, affirmation have good sale, this Chen the glory late don't doubt at 1:00.But an is a market don't open, open this market need to throw in a lot, money on the oneself body at least the flower go to very big one part, this is a not small burden to Chen Wan Rong of financial power shortage.
BE more opposite than soap to say furthermore, Rou too cheapness.Don't even say the sending of Rou luck is one Be big to bother, even if the Chen glory late pulls to ten lords attend to, light this conveyance enough he has a headache.
If the soap of income is greater, popular degree is more wide, throw in also not much, the whole 100 catties of lardses come do, the most lousy can also sell 100 many 200 Guans.The soap physical volume is small, take convenience, price Gao, working well can take go to rather county, take to Chang-an sell, very convenient, not the elephant sends a Rou for Li Qing Quan, don't want a whole car can not.
The idea is certain, Chen Wan Rong has already had a new plan, that is to do a batch of soaps first to come out and go to rather a county and Chang-an sell.Although Dian in Luo's house is prosperous, after all is a small country place, where ability and rather county, don't even say to Chang-an compare.Don't go rather a county, don't go Chang-an and then had no taste too much, waste from accepted so several years of modern education.
The going first buys some clothes for Chen honest husband and wife, then buys lard to the vegetables field and returns to a house to jilt to open arm to greatly do 1.The front contains "Xiao surname clothing material shop", Chen late the glory rush into ox cart pass by.
Before arriving at store, Chen Wan Rong arrived to the Shuan in an alley son of flank to the ox cart and entered clothing material shop.On entering clothing material shop, Chen Wan Rong feels at present a bright, clothing material shop although being not big but putting is full various dress Shan of each kind, many people into pass in and out, also have many people is picking up carefullya, choose to like of dress Shan.
Chen Wan Rong slightly on browsing, give to is beautiful in store, every kind of dress Shan of assortment drew on.Shan, tunic, Ao, half arm, Mao head, trousers, cover with silks, shoe and Ru, skirt and half Xiu, complete with everything, pattern numerous, the color is colorful, compare with modern social tailor shop not inferior to at all, a the felling once acquainting with inherits at heart and imitated Buddha at modern the society strolled a department store.
A youth about 20 years old man comes up to and wears occupation smiling face on heap of face, is a very polite way:"Excuse me, this guest officer, you but want to buy dress Shan?"
"BE ah!"The answer of Chen Wan Rong's complaisance.
This youth person talks skillful, way:"If the guest officer allows, I display new assortment of several kinds for you."He says of the new style of new assortment equal to modern.
The Chen glory late arrived at tang dynasty to once wear linen dress Shan, the other clothes have never worn, don't know that the clothings of tang dynasty all have as well which patterns, is doing not know how choose,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, this words are exactly as I hope for, gladly way:"That has Lao you."
"The guest officer is getting more polite."Youth person the side body mutually invite a way:"Guest officer pleases a this place."
The Chen glory late followed him to go straight up several steps, green Related articles:

