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The number of self defense products options in the market has kept pace with the increasing incidence of crime in the country. As the predators developed newer ways to attack and victimize, the self defense product companies developed products that could help the victims. Today the situation is such that one can choose from a list of different types of products for personal protection.

Some of the more popular self defense products for personal defense that you will find in the market are:

- Pepper sprays ?Pepper sprays may contain different chemicals like Orthochlorobenzalmalonitrile, alphachloroacetaphenone or Oleoresin Capsicum and with varying intensity. Though the first two compounds have some limitations, Oleoresin Capsicum is the one that has gained maximum popularity due to its ability to cause temporary blindness and immense irritation and burning. Pepper sprays are available in various disguised forms (like key chains, lipsticks, pens, foam, gel) so that the assailant is not aware of the fact that you have a self defense product at hand. This is particularly important in the case of pepper sprays since you need time to be able to aim properly towards the face (particularly the eyes) of the assailant to use it to its maximum benefit. Aiming the pepper spray at the eyes of the attacker is the best way to cause maximum temporary immobility and blindness for the attacker.

- Stun guns ?Stun guns are also extremely popular self defense products. These are electrical in nature and may need to be charged or batteries may need to be replaced from time to time. The high voltage attack can debilitate the attacker for a few minutes without causing permanent damage. Just like pepper sprays, stun guns also comes in various disguises like the cell phone or pen and some of the latest stun guns have retractable or extendable stun gun handles too.

- Personal alarms ?A personal alarm is one of the easiest self defense products that you will ever find. The small device can be carried at all times and all that you need to do is to release a pin that sets off a shrieking noise,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com. Something like this is considered to be good personal protection because the loud noise attracts the attention of people nearby. Obviously, a personal alarm is not too useful when you have chosen to or have had to choose a lonely road.

- Animal repellants ?Sometimes other people pet get loose and trouble strangers on the road. One should not use these as the first line of defense since over-reacting because you are afraid of dogs is also common. Animal repellants should only be used in times of dire need.

The above mentioned are only some of the personal protection products that are available. There are others like taser devices, surveillance cameras, knives and more to aid you in the process of self defense. Related articles:

